Monday, January 5, 2009

Wisconsin Mac & Cheese

For anyone that has partaken of the deliciousness at Noodles & Co may dream about the mac & cheese. Here is my version..I make it with different amounts based on how much I make. It's like an experiment every time I make it.

Start by making a roux with butter & flour. I usually use 1-2 tbsp butter and 2 tbsp flour.
Then add desired amount of milk, probably about 1 cup (I use skim and it works great, but I think evaporated would also work).
Stir until thick.
Add your favorite cheese. I have found adding really sharp cheese is the tastiest. If it appears too thick add a bit more milk.
Pour cheese mixture over cooked pasta and top with grated cheese.

Every time I make this Mak comments on how much he loves it..and it only takes about 15 minutes!!

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